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Toplam 5 Kitap 465 Sayfadan oluşmaktadır.
5 Kitap Ses Karekodlarıyla gönderilmektedir.
Seviye Seviye İngilizce Kitap Seti (Karekodlu 5 Kitap) İçeriği:
6 Seviye Persuation
6 Seviye The Professor
6 Seviye Robinson Crusoe
6 Seviye Journey to The Centre of The Earth
6 Seviye Wuthering Heights
LEVEL-6 Kitap Seti
Birinci Kitap: Wuthering Heights (Karekodlu);
The Earnshaws and the Lintons are the two old, wealthy families settling in countryside of Yorkshire. Mr. Earnshaw adopts a child called Heathcliff, without knowinq that in the future this child is going to be a great harm to both families. When he grows enough and returns only to take revenge, he has the power to beat his enemies. Wuthering Heights is a novel that is based on this great revenge of Heathcliff and the eternal love of his, which is the reason for his existence.
İkinci Kitap: The Professor (Karekodlu);
William Crimsworth tries to release from the social bondage of his family. After trying several jobs, he becomes a professor. Then his life changes rapidly both academically and romantically. Even he could not imagine what has happened to his life.
Üçüncü Kitap: Robinson Crusoe (Karekodlu);
Friday moved back running and he began to yell loudly. Master, Master! Frightful! Very terrible, the cannibals! What's up Friday? I asked. There... there, one, two, three canoe! Well, Friday, you shouldn't be afraid of them. I heartened him as possible as I could. He was so trembling that I in a big confusion went to calm him down and explained that I was, too, in menace. I was in as much danger as he, and that they would eat me as well as him. But, said I, We must resolve to fight them. Friday, could you fight? If you have a desire to see the conclusions of the hard ambitions in the hearts of people, the story of Robinson Crusoe will be a guide for you!
Dördüncü Kitap: Persuation (Karekodlu);
Will Anne, who is the protagonist of the story, act with her inner voice or with the voices around herself? Will she accept love of Captain Wentworth? Or, will she reject him again as she did seven years ago?
Dördüncü Kitap: Journey to The Centre of The Earth (Karekodlu);